Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear to worship?

The most common attire is business casual, but people wear everything from suits and dresses to jeans and tshirts. Basically, wear whatever you want. We’ll just be glad to see you!

When should I arrive and how long does service last?

Our worship service starts at 11 a.m. and usually ends at noon. Most people coming from Sunday School show up in the sanctuary around 10:50, but several trickle in right at 11.

Do I have to be Baptist to attend Faith?

No. Our members represent diverse theological backgrounds and persuasions. We accept any Christian Baptism for membership, so non-Baptists are not required to get baptized again if they want to join the church. 

Do you have childcare during services and events?

Yes. We provide a nursery with trained staff on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. On Sunday morning children ages 3+ are also invited to leave the worship service after the Children’s Moment and participate in children’s worship. We provide activity bags for 4th and 5th graders who wish to remain in the sanctuary. For more information on our children’s programming, check out our Children’s Ministry page.

What does it mean to be Baptist?

We get this question a lot. Historically, Baptists believe in religious freedom (for people of all faiths and of no faith); Church freedom (meaning the local church decides its own structure/way of operating); Soul freedom (meaning each person maintains/dictates their own relationship with God); and Bible freedom (meaning each person, through connection with the Holy Spirit, has the right to interpret and study the scripture).

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